In the biblical passage, John 4:1-26, the Master Teacher arrives at a well after a
lengthy walk. He is hot and thirsty. A Samaritan woman comes up to the well and Jesus asks that she give him some water. Because of the cultural customs of that time, rarely would a Jewish man (Jesus) speak to a Samaritan woman. And certainly, he would not ask that she give him something to drink. Yet Jesus did and a conversation ensued. When the woman, reflecting on customs, asked how could he speak to her, he responded, if you knew who I was, you would ask me for water and you would never thirst again. Jesus confronted her with the issues that had plagued her life and she responded honestly. Following that exchange, for the first time in Scripture, Jesus said that he was the Messiah. He taught her that she must turn to God as her Source for a good life and not rely on things or people.
Reading this passage from a metaphysical and spiritual perspective, it is a perfect
passage to understand some Truth about ourselves as we celebrate Women’s History Month. The Master Teacher, representing the Higher Self (of each of us) is saying, “get your Wisdom and nourishment from Me.” Just as we are taught today that we are to live following the dictates of Spirit, our Higher Self, if peace and Wisdom are to be ours. Yet just as the woman did, we question this advice because of external facts, such as, when we are told we are not good enough, not educated enough, or not accepted. We give those opinions or other negatives power over us. We do not honor our Higher Self, our Real Self. Think of it like this: Our Higher Self says to our conscious mind “if you understood, you would look within for all your gifts, talents and for your guide as how to use all that you are. You would never thirst for Wisdom, you have it. You would never thirst for acceptance, you are accepted. You would never thirst for the capacity to achieve, for you already have the capacity to achieve.” Living from your Real Self, your Higher Self, you are forever fulfilled. That is what we women during this month, Women’s History Month, are being reminded to do. We are being reminded to live from our Wisdom and all the other Powers that are ours. This month, we are applauding women from the past that lived from their Real Self, from their intrinsic greatness, from their Wisdom. We are reading about women who today are living from their Real Self, from their intrinsic greatness, from their Wisdom. So right now, I am encouraging each woman to look at the woman in the mirror and to commit to her that she will live from her Real Self; that she will live from her intrinsic greatness; that she will live from her Wisdom. YOU ARE GREAT! YOU ARE WORTHY! CELEBRATE YOURSELF!!
Ladies, the GOLD Rush Women’s Conference will be held on Apr 24-26, 2025. It is an
opportunity for you to come into the realization of your intrinsic greatness, Go to
www.goldrushwomensconference.com to get info and to register..

Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Triche Atkins
ShoVal & More, NFP